Canalization of the evolutionary trajectory of the human influenza virus

Bedford T, Rambaut A & Pascual M

(2012) BMC Biol 10, 38.

Background: Since its emergence in 1968, influenza A (H3N2) has evolved extensively in genotype and antigenic phenotype. However, despite strong pressure to evolve away from human immunity and to diversify in antigenic phenotype, H3N2 influenza shows paradoxically limited genetic and antigenic diversity present at any one time. Here, we propose a simple model of antigenic evolution in the influenza virus that accounts for this apparent discrepancy.

Results:This model displays rapid evolution but low standing diversity and simultaneously accounts for the epidemiological, genetic, antigenic and geographical patterns displayed by the virus. In this model, antigenic phenotype is represented by a N-dimensional vector and virus mutations perturb phenotype within this continuous Euclidean space. We implement this model in a large-scale individual-based simulation, and in doing so, find a remarkable correspondence between model behavior and observed influenza dynamics. We find that evolution away from existing human immunity results in rapid population turnover in the influenza virus and that this population turnover occurs primarily along a single antigenic axis.

Conclusions: Selective dynamics induce a canalized evolutionary trajectory, in which the evolutionary fate of the influenza population is surprisingly repeatable. In the model, the influenza population shows a 1-2 year timescale of repeatability, suggesting a window in which evolutionary dynamics could be, in theory, predictable.

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Andrew Rambaut, 2007